Critical Materials Innovation Hub

Winter Meeting at Mines

February 11-13, 2025

10th Annual Forum for Students and Early Career Researchers

Who should attend

The meeting is open to CMI Team Members and Affiliates. For questions about who should attend, please contact Jennifer Brockpahler.

Planning Your Travel

Before booking flights or lodging, please review the entire agenda below. On Tuesday, some Project Leads have scheduled afternoon meetings and optional tours are available.

For most attendees: Tuesday-Thursday, February 11-13. Arrive Tuesday by 4:30 PM for the Welcome and Social Time with Industry Partner Poster Session and Meet-and-Greet. Depart Thursday after 2 PM.

Leadership Academy: Tuesday-Friday, February 11-14. Arrive Tuesday before 2 PM for the NREL tour and depart Friday afternoon.

Leadership Team: Monday-Friday, February 10-14. Arrive Monday and depart Friday afternoon.


Registration is open through January 31. All attendees: $180
Lunch is included on February 12 and 13

Receipts are delayed 15-30 minutes after payment and the confirmation will arrive from It often ends up in junk mail, so  please check there first before reaching out.

For questions or changes to your registration, view Contacts & Help.

Industry Poster Session and Meet-and-Greet

CMI industry partners are invited to share a poster during the second annual meet-and-greet at Mines. This is a networking opportunity to showcase your company while discussing research and potential internships, co-ops, and job openings, in a social environment. The meet-and-greet will take place in the Mines Museum of Earth Science (Geology Museum) on Tuesday, February 11, from 5-6:30 PM, during the Welcome Reception that runs from 4:30-7 PM.  Please RSVP to reserve a spot.

Abstract submissions are closed

The winter meeting showcases the work of current CMI students and early career researchers (0-3 years only). If you are in this group, you were encouraged to submit an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster, limited to one. Please note that PIs are not eligible to present on behalf of their students or researchers.

For full consideration, abstracts were due Friday, December 13. Late submissions were accepted until Monday, December 16. 


Tuesday, February 11 – Travel day for most attendees

Welcome and Social Time in the Museum of Earth Science (Geology Museum) 4:30-7 PM with Industry Partner Poster Session and Meet-and-Greet 5-6:30 PM.  Social time ends at 7 PM (Dinner on your own)

Optional Tuesday Tours

Registered meeting attendees are invited to tour the Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy (KIEM) laboratories at 3:30 PM.  Please sign up to attend.

The NREL tour is now full. If you were approved to attend but your plans have changed, please email to cancel to open a spot for someone else.

Leadership Team meets 8 AM to 4 PM
Leadership Academy attends 2 PM NREL tour – Individual sign up is required

Tuesday Project Meetings by Invitation:

12:30-1:30 PM: Market and Supply Chain Analysis (Toba)

Market and Supply Chain Analysis
Host: Lionel Toba
Hill Hall 378

1:00-2:00 PM: 1.2.4 Total Utilization of Phosphogypsum (Zhang)

1.2.4 Total Utilization of Phosphogypsum
Host: Patrick Zhang
1:00-2:00 PM
Engineering Hall 217

1:00-1:30 PM: 1.1.9 Extraction of Li from Spodumene (Hlova)

1.1.9 Extraction of Li from Spodumene
Host: Ihor Hlova
1:00-1:30 PM
Hill Hall 253

1:30-2:00 PM: 1.1.7 RER Beneficiation, Wy Bear Lodge (Spiller)

1.1.7 RER Beneficiation, Wy Bear Lodge
Host: Erik Spiller
1:30-2:00 PM
Hill Hall 253

1:30-2:00 PM: Nd Metal Making Priorities strategy meeting (Sinclair)

Nd Metal Making Priorities strategy meeting
Nicholas Sinclair
1:30-2:00 PM
Hill Hall 378

2:00-3:00 PM: 1.1.5 Domestic PGM (Anderson)

1.1.5 Domestic PGM
Host: Corby Anderson
2:00-3:00 PM
Hill Hall 253

2:00-3:00 PM: 2.1.2 Magnet Discoverer Project (Palasyuk)

2.1.2 Magnet Discoverer Project
Host: Andriy Palasyuk
2:00-3:00 PM
Engineering Hall 217

Wednesday, February 12, Winter Meeting Day 1. Student Center Ballrooms, 7:45 AM to 5:30 PM

7:45 AM Check in, gathering, and coffee. Set up posters. (breakfast on your own)
8:30 AM Opening remarks by Tom Lograsso
9:25 AM Group photo
10:00 AM Oral presentations session 1
11:00 AM Break
11:20 AM Oral presentations session 2
12:30 PM Lunch (included in registration)
1:40 PM Oral presentations session 3
3:00 PM Break
3:30 Poster session and social time (2 hours)
5:30 PM (Dinner on your own)

Thursday, February 13, Winter Meeting Day 2. Student Center Ballrooms, 7:45 AM to 2 PM

7:45 AM Gathering and coffee (breakfast on your own)
8:30 AM Overview, Rod Eggert
8:40 AM Oral presentations session 1
10:00 AM Break
10:20 AM Oral presentations session 2
11:20 AM Lunch (included in registration)
12:15 PM Workforce Panel Discussion with DOE, DOI, and NSF representatives
1:30 PM Tom Lograsso closing remarks, awards, photos
2:00 PM Day 2 adjourns
(Most attendees depart campus after 2 PM)

Afternoon activities: between 2 PM and 5 PM
(Optional) Self-organized meetings in the ballrooms or off campus
Leadership Academy, Leadership Team, and other groups meet by invitation

Friday, February 14

Leadership Team 8-11:30 AM
Leadership Academy 8-11:30 AM


Golden Lodging & Tourism

Call hotels to inquire about Mines visitor rates

New! Ore Cart Shuttle to Campus

Free for Everyone
7 AM to 6:30 PM

Pay for Parking

Lot D at 1600 Elm St is behind the Student Center
Arrive early!

Museum Map

Tuesday Welcome & Industry Meet-and-Greet

Student Center Map

Main Meeting in Ballrooms ABC

Contact Us for Help

Payments, Receipts, Refunds, Registration Changes

Agenda, Abstracts, Tours, General Info, Special Requests

Leadership Team, Advisory Board, Industry Council